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Titel: | Update Zoll und Exportkontrolle - exklusiv für Absolvent*innen des Lehrgangs Exportmanager (IHK) |
Ort: | Stuttgart |
Themengebiete: | Zoll Warenursprung Präferenzen WuP Exportkontrolle ICP Handel Supply Chain |
Titel: | US Export Controls for National and EU Companies |
Ort: | online |
Themengebiete: | export controls; ICP; Internal Compliance Program; US goods; US person; US embargoes; Secondary Sanctions; de minimis rule |
Titel: | National and EU Export Controls |
Ort: | online |
Themengebiete: | export controls; ICP; Internal Compliance Program |
Titel: | US Export Controls for National and EU Companies |
Ort: | online |
Themengebiete: | export controls; ICP; Internal Compliance Program; US goods; US person; US embargoes; Secondary Sanctions; de minimis rule |